Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Wise man
Nice letter
Saturday, July 23, 2011
The social joke
Since when could social worker lead and manage psychiatry? Since never! (in case my readers shouldn´t know: it´s the job of psychiatrists. Medical doctors and psychologists. Get it??)
So what´s the problem? The problem is my cure hasn´t been acknowleged by the Swedish society. People don´t want to know! (also they think I have a heavy diagnosis. Which is the reason I´m stuck in this nightmarish municipality "psychiatry". Bossed around by social workers. Who know nothing at all.)
Fine psychiatrist
I have to mention my own case. This was my diagnosis. Put by my psychiatric hospital. It´s Latin for anxiety neurosis. (they don´t use the term "neurosis" anymore. It has become out of fashion.) I had a lot of anxiety! (not the first one. Or the only one. Anxiety is part of the human lot. Only machines and God do not have it.)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Man måste leva på hoppet
Against dictatorship
P O had already published (in 1936) the book "Parliamentarism in Europe" (in Swedish.) Which was also a pamphlet against all nazism and fascism! (he didn´t like communism either.)
Defender 2
A difficult peace
En svår fred 1944 | Arkivet |
My grandmother´s brother Ernst von Born (judge and minister of justice) would have defended me! (click on the link.) He led the peace negotiations with the USSR in Sept of 1944. Here is his radio speech afterwards!
My grandmother´s brother Ernst von Born (judge and minister of justice) would have defended me! (click on the link.) He led the peace negotiations with the USSR in Sept of 1944. Here is his radio speech afterwards!
Human being
Are mental patients human beings? To judge by the way we are treated this is not the view. We are the exception. Even from the UN declaration of Human Rights!
Article 1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
"All human beings". How do you interpret that? Is "all" 100%? Or just 99%? Does it mean "everyone but mental patients"?
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Paul Wittgenstein plays Maurice Ravel: Piano Concerto for the Left Hand ...
Look Tomas. The left-armed pianist Paul Wittgenstein! (very rare footage. The only one I´ve seen.)
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Dinu Lipatti-Bach Cant.No147 Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben
Best piano recording ever made. By the greatest pianist ever.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
Who is worth listening to?
What did Jesus mean when he said his kingdom was "not of this world"? I suggest he meant this world of status, position, wealth and posh titles. Did HE have a title? (none whatsoever.) He was rich? (nope.) A position in society? (haha.) He was a nobody? A loser? (yep. At least that´s what THEY thought.)
So. Perhaps best not to wave away nobodies? Not to bow to wealth, position and power? Not to crawl in the dust before someone with a posh title?
So. Perhaps best not to wave away nobodies? Not to bow to wealth, position and power? Not to crawl in the dust before someone with a posh title?
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
The country girl
I improvised this today! (inspired by the Pippi Longstocking of country Naomi Judd.)
Larger than life
Freud had a special expression for people who refuse to realize they are ordinary human beings. He called them "grandiose". Those persons tend to see themselves above any sort of criticism. They are perfect. They have no faults. My reponse to them? Congratulations. You have managed to become God! (if you scrutinize them you will find they have LESS self-esteem than the humble ones. The God impersonation is just a way to avoid looking like total losers.)
I am reading "The Gift of Therapy" by Irvin D Yalom. I like it because he doesn´t try to look like The Holy Therapist. (people mostly think therapists are Models of Sanity. Not bothered by problems like us mere mortals.) He says in one chapter that his therapist (yes my dears, even therapists have to undergo therapy) once said (when he was accusing himself for being greedy and selfish) "That´s how we are." (and she didn´t of course mean "You and me scoundrels".)
We. Did anyone see this? Did you think about it? That we are all in the same boat? There are not 2 species. But one. (unless you are a dog or a cat. But then you won´t be reading this blog.) Homo sapiens!
We. Did anyone see this? Did you think about it? That we are all in the same boat? There are not 2 species. But one. (unless you are a dog or a cat. But then you won´t be reading this blog.) Homo sapiens!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Psychiatric backlash
I have now sued my municipality (community.) For having forced their "psychiatry" on me! (it´s against the law. I only recently discovered this. One must APPLY for it.) I´ve struggled like an idiot to get free from this "psychiatry". (which isn´t even worth CALLING psychiatry.) I was NEVER - during 35 years - forcibly incarcerated by the REAL psychiatry. (they never do this with people just suffering from ordinary panic anxiety.) Plus I was deemed CURED by them. Something which my municipalities (here and in Stockholm) refused to acknowledge! (here they didn´t even contact them. Social workers thought they could do a psychiatric evaluation all on their own!)
This is the worst psychiaric backlash during my lifetime. I have to tell the UN about it. Social workers have been permitted to take over psychiatry in Sweden! (at least part of it. 30.000-40.000 patients are probably affected.)
This is the worst psychiaric backlash during my lifetime. I have to tell the UN about it. Social workers have been permitted to take over psychiatry in Sweden! (at least part of it. 30.000-40.000 patients are probably affected.)
Friday, July 1, 2011
The Daffodils
I wandered lonely as a cloud
that floats on high over vales and hills
when all at once I saw a crowd
a host of golden daffodils
beside the lake
beneath the trees
dancing and fluttering in the breeze.
I gazed and gazed
and little thought.
A poet could not but be gay
in such a jocund company!
For oft when on my couch I lie
in vacant or in pensive mood
my thoughts want to this image fly
which is the bliss of solitude.
(I bet I quoted some of it wrong.
I memorized it back in 1967.)
Nice poem, William!
Greetings from your sister Dotty :)
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